RESULTS: The Game of Life

Tony Jeary International

Regular price $6.95

In The Game of Life some things are not controllable, such as parental privilege, gifts & talents, connections & mentors your parents might expose you too, and plain-o serendipity. Things happen to everyone, some good, some not so good.

Also, in The Game of Life, there are many things you can do. Most people aren’t as strategically intentional as they could be. In this book we spell out 25 specific things you can do to win more in this game of life.

Tony has published over 75 books, hundreds of courses, thousands of article, countless videos. He has researched, studied, and been exposed to more best practices because of his profession way more than most. He thrives on giving his clients, students, readers, and viewers epiphanies and ahas. He defines epiphanies and ahas as concepts that sometimes can be life changing and can dramatically impact the growth and value of an organization. Chances are as you read and study this work it will change your thinking and change your results.